
Alcoholpassport.fi – Material

Alcoholpassport.fi recommends to prepare carefully for the Alcohol Proficiency Test. Alcohol Proficiency Test is based on Valvira's material. 

Material in English

Serving of alcoholic beverages on licensed premises, Valvira (in English).

Trainify.fi (Osaamistehdas Oy) - you can prepare for the test by yourself and revise what you have learned. We recommend to read the Valvira's material first!

General information about serving alcohol (Valvira).

Material in Finnish

Alkoholijuomien anniskelu, Valvira (in Finnish).

Harjoittele.fi (Osaamistehdas Oy) - voit kerrata opittua ja valmistautua testiin. Luethan aina ensin Valviran materiaalin!

Material in Swedish

Servering av alkoholdrycker, Valvira (in Swedish).

We arrange tailored training and tests for groups and companies. Training can be arranged before the test. Contact us and request an offer!